"For His divine power has bestowed on us [absolutely] everything necessary for [a dynamic spiritual] life and godliness, through true and personal knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence."

2 Peter 1:3 (AMP)

About Tei Enterprises

Tei Enterprises & International Ministries, Inc. is a dynamic organization that serves as the preaching and teaching umbrella for multiple ministries and businesses, each with a specific focus on addressing various needs in communities locally and globally. Our mission is to spread the message of love, hope, and transformation through the teachings of Jesus Christ while providing practical support and services to those in need and those in underserved communities. The organization's core values are love, faith, hope, compassion, and excellence. Through our various ministries, we aim to make a positive impact on individuals, families, and communities, ultimately glorifying God and advancing His kingdom.


To teach, preach and disseminate the Gospel of Jesus Christ, anchored in the profound principle of agape love and emphasizing the unparalleled excellence of Christ, with the overarching aim of instilling hope within the hearts of individuals and communities. This mission is executed through a multifaceted approach, including the transformative power of prayer, the enlightening impact of teaching, and the provision of essential resources.

This mission is a holistic approach to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It emphasizes love, excellence, faith and hope as guiding principles and utilizes prayer, teaching, and resources as powerful tools to empower individuals and communities. By addressing both the spiritual and practical aspects of life, it aims to make a profound and lasting impact on the lives we touch.

The core of this mission is built upon agape love, a selfless, unconditional love that reflects the love of Christ himself. It's a love that extends to all people, irrespective of their backgrounds, beliefs, or circumstances. This approach promotes unity, compassion, and a sense of belonging within the community.

Central to this mission is the celebration of the unparalleled excellence of Jesus Christ. By focusing on his teachings, actions, and character, individuals are not only inspired but also encouraged to emulate his virtues and principles. Christ's excellence serves as a beacon of hope and a source of guidance for those seeking a path to fulfillment and purpose.

In a world often marked by uncertainty, despair, and disillusionment, this mission seeks to inspire hope. It provides a message of redemption, forgiveness, and transformation through Christ's love and grace. By sharing stories of transformation and testimonies of individuals whose lives have been touched by the Gospel, hope is kindled in the hearts of those who may be struggling or feeling lost.

Prayer is a powerful tool that connects individuals with our Creator. Through prayer, individuals and communities are empowered to seek guidance, strength, and solace. It fosters a sense of dependence on God and unity among believers, creating a supportive network for those in need.

Education is a key component of this mission. Teaching is not limited to imparting knowledge but extends to nurturing spiritual growth and personal development. By providing clear and relevant teaching based on the Gospel, individuals are equipped with the tools they need to lead meaningful, purpose-driven lives.

Recognizing that material needs often accompany spiritual ones, this mission also endeavors to provide essential resources. Whether it's food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, or support for those in crisis, the mission extends a helping hand to address both the physical and spiritual needs of individuals and communities.



We envision a world transformed by the agape love and teachings of Jesus Christ, where people experience the love of God, discover their true identity in Christ, and live purposeful, transformed lives fulfilling the destiny wherein they were created as HIS royal priesthood.

We will enlighten people by giving spiritual food, hope and “light” to their souls.

We will equip people with the scriptural tools necessary to overcome adversity, resist the power of enemy and hold fast to their confession of faith in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.

We will empower people to exercise their faith in advancement of the kingdom of God nationally and internationally.

We will enlarge the Kingdom of God by winning souls and making disciples.