Queen of His Glory and King of His Glory

"Queen of His Glory" and "King of His Glory" are ministries that are committed to empowering men and women above the age of 18. These ministries recognize that adulthood brings its own set of challenges and opportunities, and they aim to equip participants with the tools needed to navigate life's complexities while staying true to their faith.

"Queen of His Glory" focuses on empowering women, providing them with resources and support to thrive in all aspects of life. This ministry recognizes the unique strengths and challenges that women face and offers guidance on personal growth, leadership, and spiritual development.

On the other hand, "King of His Glory" is dedicated to empowering men, helping them become strong and responsible leaders in their families, communities, and workplaces. It offers guidance on issues such as fatherhood, career, and personal development, all within a framework of faith and spiritual growth.

Both of these ministries encourage participants to embrace their God-given potential and use their talents to make a positive impact on the world around them. They emphasize the importance of faith, integrity, and service as they empower men and women to live purposeful and meaningful lives.