Treasurer & Secretary Katherine

Katherine possesses a deep and compassionate commitment to supporting individuals who have experienced the harrowing challenges of domestic violence and abuse, as well as those who find themselves in the midst of "crisis pregnancies." Furthermore, she demonstrates a profound empathy and dedication towards individuals with developmental disabilities.

In the realm of domestic violence and abuse, Katherine's heart beats with a resolute commitment to support and uplift those who have suffered in silence. She recognizes the immense courage it takes for survivors to break free from the shackles of abusive relationships and seeks to be a beacon of hope in their journey towards healing and recovery. Her empathy is not merely a passive sentiment; it is a driving force that compels her to actively engage in efforts to raise awareness, provide resources, and offer a nurturing environment for survivors to rebuild their lives.

In addition to her commitment to survivors of abuse, Katherine's compassion extends to those facing "crisis pregnancies." She understands the unique challenges and emotional turmoil that can accompany an unexpected pregnancy, and she is dedicated to offering non-judgmental support to individuals navigating these difficult circumstances. Katherine recognizes that these situations can be incredibly complex, and her heart leads her to provide guidance, resources, and a supportive presence to help individuals make informed decisions that align with their values and aspirations.

Katherine's compassion doesn't stop there; it also encompasses people with developmental disabilities. She possesses a special sensitivity to the needs and aspirations of individuals living with developmental challenges. Her heart is deeply invested in creating inclusive and supportive environments where these individuals can thrive, access resources, and lead fulfilling lives. Whether it involves advocating for better access to education and healthcare or fostering inclusive communities, Katherine's genuine care for people with developmental disabilities drives her to work tirelessly to make a positive difference in their lives.

Katherine's heart is a wellspring of compassion, driving her to actively support and champion the rights and well-being of survivors of domestic violence and abuse, individuals facing "crisis pregnancies," and those with developmental disabilities. Her unwavering dedication to these causes is a testament to her commitment to creating a more compassionate and inclusive world for all